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Data types

Data types
Name TypeID
scijava.roi.Iterable N/A
scijava.roi.RegionOfInterest N/A
scijava.roi.RegionOfInterestSet N/A
scijava.roi.Serialisable N/A
scijava.roi.annotation.Grid 1002
scijava.roi.annotation.Scale 1001
scijava.roi.annotation.Text 1000
scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Extrude 3010
scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Range 3002
scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Set 3011
scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Value 3000
scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Values 3001
scijava.roi.measurement.Area N/A
scijava.roi.measurement.Length N/A
scijava.roi.measurement.Volume N/A
scijava.roi.shape.AbstractTransform 2051
scijava.roi.shape.AffineTransform 2050
scijava.roi.shape.Arc 2008
scijava.roi.shape.BitMask 2040
scijava.roi.shape.Bitwise 2052
scijava.roi.shape.Cuboid 2020
scijava.roi.shape.Custom 650
scijava.roi.shape.Cylinder 2022
scijava.roi.shape.Ellipsoid 2021
scijava.roi.shape.GreyMask 2041
scijava.roi.shape.Line 2002
scijava.roi.shape.Lines 2003
scijava.roi.shape.Mesh 2023
scijava.roi.shape.PhysicalShape N/A
scijava.roi.shape.Point 2000
scijava.roi.shape.Points 2001
scijava.roi.shape.Polygon 2005
scijava.roi.shape.PolygonSpline 2007
scijava.roi.shape.Polyline 2004
scijava.roi.shape.PolylineSpline 2006
scijava.roi.shape.Set 2060
scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform1D 720
scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform2D 721
scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform3D 722
scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform1D 700
scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform2D 701
scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform3D 702
scijava.roi.types.AffineTransformnD 703
scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask1D 500
scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask2D 501
scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask3D 502
scijava.roi.types.AlignedCube1 160
scijava.roi.types.AlignedCube2 161
scijava.roi.types.AlignedCuboid1 165
scijava.roi.types.AlignedCuboid2 166
scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask1D 510
scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask2D 511
scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask3D 512
scijava.roi.types.AlignedHalfAxes2D 220
scijava.roi.types.AlignedHalfAxes3D 221
scijava.roi.types.AlignedRectangle1 155
scijava.roi.types.AlignedRectangle2 156
scijava.roi.types.AlignedSquare1 150
scijava.roi.types.AlignedSquare2 151
scijava.roi.types.Arc12D 250
scijava.roi.types.Arc13D 251
scijava.roi.types.Arc22D 252
scijava.roi.types.Arc23D 253
scijava.roi.types.Arc32D 254
scijava.roi.types.Arc33D 255
scijava.roi.types.Array 51
scijava.roi.types.BLogic 41
scijava.roi.types.BitMask2D 520
scijava.roi.types.BitMask3D 521
scijava.roi.types.Bitwise1D 94
scijava.roi.types.Bitwise2D 95
scijava.roi.types.Bitwise3D 96
scijava.roi.types.Circle0 200
scijava.roi.types.Circle1 201
scijava.roi.types.Circle2 202
scijava.roi.types.Circle3 203
scijava.roi.types.Circle4 204
scijava.roi.types.Circle5 205
scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder1 230
scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder2 231
scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder3 232
scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder4 233
scijava.roi.types.Color 31
scijava.roi.types.Count None
scijava.roi.types.Cube1 180
scijava.roi.types.Cube2 181
scijava.roi.types.Cuboid1 185
scijava.roi.types.Cuboid2 186
scijava.roi.types.Custom None
scijava.roi.types.DimConstraint N/A
scijava.roi.types.DimConstraintSet 3021
scijava.roi.types.DirectedGraph 54
scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder1 240
scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder2 241
scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder3 242
scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder4 243
scijava.roi.types.Extrude 91
scijava.roi.types.Float32 20
scijava.roi.types.Float64 21
scijava.roi.types.GreyMask2D 530
scijava.roi.types.GreyMask3D 531
scijava.roi.types.HalfAxes2D 225
scijava.roi.types.HalfAxes3D 226
scijava.roi.types.Index None
scijava.roi.types.Int16 16
scijava.roi.types.Int32 17
scijava.roi.types.Int64 18
scijava.roi.types.Int8 15
scijava.roi.types.Labelling None
scijava.roi.types.LinePoints1D 120
scijava.roi.types.LinePoints2D 121
scijava.roi.types.LinePoints3D 122
scijava.roi.types.LineVector1D 125
scijava.roi.types.LineVector2D 126
scijava.roi.types.LineVector3D 127
scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints1D 130
scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints2D 131
scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints3D 132
scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors1D 135
scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors2D 136
scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors3D 137
scijava.roi.types.Map 53
scijava.roi.types.Mesh2D 600
scijava.roi.types.Mesh3D 601
scijava.roi.types.Null 0
scijava.roi.types.Operator 40
scijava.roi.types.Pair 50
scijava.roi.types.Points1D None
scijava.roi.types.Points2D None
scijava.roi.types.Points3D None
scijava.roi.types.PointsnD None
scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints1D 140
scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints2D 141
scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints3D 142
scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector1D 145
scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector2D 146
scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector3D 147
scijava.roi.types.Properties 4000
scijava.roi.types.Property None
scijava.roi.types.ROI None
scijava.roi.types.ROISet None
scijava.roi.types.Range1nD 89
scijava.roi.types.Range2nD 90
scijava.roi.types.Rectangle1 175
scijava.roi.types.Rectangle2 176
scijava.roi.types.RotateTransform2D 716
scijava.roi.types.RotateTransform3D 717
scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform1D 713
scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform2D 714
scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform3D 715
scijava.roi.types.Set 52
scijava.roi.types.ShapeSet 93
scijava.roi.types.Sphere0 210
scijava.roi.types.Sphere1 211
scijava.roi.types.Sphere2 212
scijava.roi.types.Sphere3 213
scijava.roi.types.Sphere4 214
scijava.roi.types.Sphere5 215
scijava.roi.types.Sphere6 216
scijava.roi.types.Square1 170
scijava.roi.types.Square2 171
scijava.roi.types.String 30
scijava.roi.types.Text None
scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform1D 710
scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform2D 711
scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform3D 712
scijava.roi.types.TypeID 1
scijava.roi.types.UInt16 11
scijava.roi.types.UInt32 12
scijava.roi.types.UInt64 13
scijava.roi.types.UInt8 10
scijava.roi.types.Value None
scijava.roi.types.ValuenD None
scijava.roi.types.ValuesnD 88
scijava.roi.types.Vector1D 110
scijava.roi.types.Vector2D 111
scijava.roi.types.Vector3D 112
scijava.roi.types.VectornD 113
scijava.roi.types.Vectors1D None
scijava.roi.types.Vectors2D None
scijava.roi.types.Vectors3D None
scijava.roi.types.VectorsnD None
scijava.roi.types.Vertex1D 100
scijava.roi.types.Vertex2D 101
scijava.roi.types.Vertex3D 102
scijava.roi.types.VertexList1D None
scijava.roi.types.VertexList2D None
scijava.roi.types.VertexList3D None
scijava.roi.types.VertexListnD None
scijava.roi.types.VertexnD 103


An iterable region.

Interface details

scijava.roi.Iterable Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A


Region of interest.

Interface details

scijava.roi.RegionOfInterest Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A
Inherits Serialisable, Iterable


Set of ROIs.

Interface details

scijava.roi.RegionOfInterestSet Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A
Inherits Serialisable


Object can be serialised and deserialised.

Interface details

scijava.roi.Serialisable Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A


A scale grid in a defined volume.

TODO: Specify grid spacing

scijava.roi.annotation.Grid Details
Property Value
TypeID 1002
Canonical representation None
Representations in Cuboid
Representations out None


A scale bar between two points.

scijava.roi.annotation.Scale Details
Property Value
TypeID 1001
Canonical representation None
Representations in Line
Representations out None


Text (label).

Text in 3D will need to be based upon a rectangle in 3D (not yet possible without a transform). Should label alignment be specified directly in the representation, or in higher-level metadata?

scijava.roi.annotation.Text Details
Property Value
TypeID 1000
Canonical representation Text
Representations in Text
Representations out Text


Extrude a shape of arbitrary dimensionality into an additional dimension..

There are no limits in the additional dimension; these must be set by combining with a range instead.

scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Extrude Details
Property Value
TypeID 3010
Canonical representation Extrude
Representations in Extrude
Representations out Extrude
Inherits DimConstraint


A range of values in an arbitrary dimension.

Constrain region to a range of values within a specific dimension.

scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Range Details
Property Value
TypeID 3002
Canonical representation Range1nD
Representations in Range1nD, Range2nD
Representations out Range1nD, Range2nD
Inherits DimConstraint


Combine shapes of differing dimensionality.

The result is a shape combining all subset dimensions. It is illegal to have a common dimension between the two shapes.

scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Set Details
Property Value
TypeID 3011
Canonical representation DimConstraintSet
Representations in DimConstraintSet
Representations out DimConstraintSet
Inherits DimConstraint


A value in an arbitrary dimension.

Constrain region to a single value within a specific dimension.

scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Value Details
Property Value
TypeID 3000
Canonical representation ValuenD
Representations in ValuenD
Representations out ValuenD
Inherits DimConstraint


A set of values in an arbitrary dimension.

Constrain region to multiple values within a specific dimension.

scijava.roi.dimconstraint.Values Details
Property Value
TypeID 3001
Canonical representation ValuesnD
Representations in ValuesnD
Representations out ValuesnD
Inherits DimConstraint


Get area and perimeter of object.

Interface details

scijava.roi.measurement.Area Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A


Get length of object.

Interface details

scijava.roi.measurement.Length Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A


Get volume and surface area of object.

Interface details

scijava.roi.measurement.Volume Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A


Abstract (implementation-defined) transformation of a shape.

scijava.roi.shape.AbstractTransform Details
Property Value
TypeID 2051
Canonical representation AbstractTransform3D
Representations in AbstractTransform1D, AbstractTransform2D, AbstractTransform3D
Representations out AbstractTransform1D, AbstractTransform2D, AbstractTransform3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


Affine transformation of a shape.

scijava.roi.shape.AffineTransform Details
Property Value
TypeID 2050
Canonical representation AffineTransform3D
Representations in ScaleTransform1D, TranslateTransform1D, ScaleTransform2D, ScaleTransform3D, RotateTransform2D, RotateTransform3D, AffineTransform2D, AffineTransform3D, AffineTransform1D, TranslateTransform2D, TranslateTransform3D
Representations out AffineTransform1D, AffineTransform2D, AffineTransform3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


An arc.

scijava.roi.shape.Arc Details
Property Value
TypeID 2008
Canonical representation Arc13D
Representations in Arc22D, Arc23D, Arc33D, Arc13D, Arc12D, Arc32D
Representations out Arc22D, Arc23D, Arc33D, Arc13D, Arc12D, Arc32D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Length


A mask with one bit values.

A bitmask may be aligned with the axes (with an aligned bounding box) or unaligned (with an unaligned bounding box). In order to iterate over the mask with a 1:1 correspondence between mask and underlying image pixel data, it must be converted to an aligned form. Additionally, it must be converted to an aligned form with the samples aligned with the pixel grid.

scijava.roi.shape.BitMask Details
Property Value
TypeID 2040
Canonical representation BitMask3D
Representations in AlignedBitMask1D, AlignedBitMask2D, AlignedBitMask3D, BitMask3D, BitMask2D
Representations out AlignedBitMask1D, AlignedBitMask2D, AlignedBitMask3D, BitMask3D, BitMask2D
Inherits PhysicalShape


Binary bitwise operation.

scijava.roi.shape.Bitwise Details
Property Value
TypeID 2052
Canonical representation Bitwise3D
Representations in Bitwise1D, Bitwise2D, Bitwise3D
Representations out Bitwise1D, Bitwise2D, Bitwise3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


A custom (user-definable) 3D shape.

The custom shape type, unlike other shapes, does not define any intrinsic behaviour. This is entirely the responsibility of the user. The typename of the shape is specified by the user, which provides an extension mechanism by allowing this type to be used to specify an arbitrary number of shape types. The shape contains four sets of shapes for measurement, results, editing and visualisation. The intent here is that the shapes required for the user to visualise the ROI are contained in the VISUAL set. This will permit the ROI to be transported to other systems, and allow visualisation without any knowledge of the specific ROI type. The other types are optional, and may be used as the user sees fit. MEASUREMENTS is intended to store any points or other informations used when defining the ROI (which are not already contained in the VISUAL set). RESULTS is intended to store any measurements which are not directly derivable from the other sets. EDIT is intended for storing label offsets, construction lines, and any other information used for editing which is not contained in the MEASUREMENTS or VISUAL sets.

scijava.roi.shape.Custom Details
Property Value
TypeID 650
Canonical representation Custom
Representations in Custom
Representations out Custom
Inherits PhysicalShape


An ellipsoid.

scijava.roi.shape.Ellipsoid Details
Property Value
TypeID 2021
Canonical representation HalfAxes3D
Representations in Sphere1, Sphere0, Sphere3, Sphere4, Cuboid, HalfAxes3D, Sphere5, Sphere6, AlignedHalfAxes3D, Sphere2
Representations out Sphere1, Sphere0, Sphere3, Sphere4, Cuboid, HalfAxes3D, Sphere5, Sphere6, AlignedHalfAxes3D, Sphere2
Inherits PhysicalShape, Volume


A mask with multiple grey levels.

A greymask may be aligned with the axes (with an aligned bounding box) or unaligned (with an unaligned bounding box). In order to iterate over the mask with a 1:1 correspondence between mask and underlying image pixel data, it must be converted to an aligned form. Additionally, it must be converted to an aligned form with the samples aligned with the pixel grid.

scijava.roi.shape.GreyMask Details
Property Value
TypeID 2041
Canonical representation GreyMask3D
Representations in AlignedGreyMask1D, AlignedGreyMask2D, GreyMask2D, AlignedGreyMask3D, GreyMask3D
Representations out AlignedGreyMask1D, AlignedGreyMask2D, GreyMask2D, AlignedGreyMask3D, GreyMask3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


A single line.

scijava.roi.shape.Line Details
Property Value
TypeID 2002
Canonical representation LinePoints3D
Representations in LineVector3D, LineVector1D, LinePoints1D, LinePoints2D, LinePoints3D, LineVector2D
Representations out LineVector3D, LineVector1D, LinePoints1D, LinePoints2D, LinePoints3D, LineVector2D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Length


A set of lines.

scijava.roi.shape.Lines Details
Property Value
TypeID 2003
Canonical representation LinesPoints3D
Representations in Line, LinesVectors1D, LinesPoints2D, LinesPoints3D, LinesPoints1D, LinesVectors2D, LinesVectors3D
Representations out LinesVectors1D, LinesPoints2D, LinesPoints3D, LinesPoints1D, LinesVectors2D, LinesVectors3D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Length


A mesh.

scijava.roi.shape.Mesh Details
Property Value
TypeID 2023
Canonical representation Mesh3D
Representations in Mesh2D, Mesh3D
Representations out Mesh2D, Mesh3D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Area, Volume


Abstract shape.

Interface details

scijava.roi.shape.PhysicalShape Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A
Inherits Serialisable


A single point.

scijava.roi.shape.Point Details
Property Value
TypeID 2000
Canonical representation Vertex3D
Representations in Vertex1D, Vertex2D, Vertex3D
Representations out Vertex1D, Vertex2D, Vertex3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


A set of points.

scijava.roi.shape.Points Details
Property Value
TypeID 2001
Canonical representation Points3D
Representations in Points1D, Points2D, Points3D
Representations out Points1D, Points2D, Points3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


A set of connected points (closed).

scijava.roi.shape.Polygon Details
Property Value
TypeID 2005
Canonical representation PolylinePoints3D
Representations in PolylineVector1D, PolylinePoints1D, PolylinePoints2D, PolylinePoints3D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D
Representations out PolylineVector1D, PolylinePoints1D, PolylinePoints2D, PolylinePoints3D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D
Inherits PhysicalShape


A set of connected splines (closed).

scijava.roi.shape.PolygonSpline Details
Property Value
TypeID 2007
Canonical representation PolylinePoints3D
Representations in PolylinePoints2D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D, PolylinePoints3D
Representations out PolylinePoints2D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D, PolylinePoints3D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Area


A set of connected points (open).

scijava.roi.shape.Polyline Details
Property Value
TypeID 2004
Canonical representation PolylinePoints3D
Representations in PolylineVector1D, PolylinePoints1D, PolylinePoints2D, PolylinePoints3D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D
Representations out PolylineVector1D, PolylinePoints1D, PolylinePoints2D, PolylinePoints3D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Length, Area


A set of connected splines (open).

scijava.roi.shape.PolylineSpline Details
Property Value
TypeID 2006
Canonical representation PolylinePoints3D
Representations in PolylinePoints2D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D, PolylinePoints3D
Representations out PolylinePoints2D, PolylineVector2D, PolylineVector3D, PolylinePoints3D
Inherits PhysicalShape, Length


A set of shapes.

All operations operate individually upon the contained shapes. This implies that transforms are performed upon each shape, with rotation centres in the centre of each shape.

scijava.roi.shape.Set Details
Property Value
TypeID 2060
Canonical representation ShapeSet
Representations in ShapeSet
Representations out ShapeSet
Inherits PhysicalShape


An abstract (implementation-defined) transform in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 720


An abstract (implementation-defined) transform in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 721


An abstract (implementation-defined) transform in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AbstractTransform3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 722


An affine transform in 1D described by a transformation matrix and 1D shape to transform.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 700


An affine transform in 2D described by a transformation matrix and 2D shape to transform.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 701


An affine transform in 3D described by a transformation matrix and 3D shape to transform.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AffineTransform3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 702


An affine transform in nD described by a transformation matrix and nD shape to transform.

scijava.roi.types.AffineTransformnD Details
Property Value
TypeID 703


A bitmask in 1D described by aligned bounding line, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the bounding line. Dimensions specify the x size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 500


A bitmask in 2D described by aligned bounding rectangle, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the aligned bounding rectangle. Dimensions specify the x and y size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 501


A bitmask in 3D described by aligned bounding cuboid, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the aligned bounding cuboid. Dimensions specify the x, y and z size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedBitMask3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 502


A cube in 3D aligned with the axes described by a corner point and adjacent corner.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedCube1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 160


A cube in 3D aligned with the axes described by a corner point and vector to an adjacent corner.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedCube2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 161


An aligned cuboid described by two points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedCuboid1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 165


An aligned cuboid described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedCuboid2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 166


A greymask in 1D described by aligned bounding line, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the aligned bounding line. Dimensions specify the x size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 510


A greymask in 2D described by aligned bounding rectangle, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the aligned bounding rectangle. Dimensions specify the x and y size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 511


A greymask in 3D described by aligned bounding cuboid, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the aligned bounding cuboid. Dimensions specify the x, y and z size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedGreyMask3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 512


An ellipse in 2D aligned with the axes described by two half axes.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedHalfAxes2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 220


An ellipsoid in 3D aligned with the axes.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedHalfAxes3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 221


An aligned rectangle described by two points in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedRectangle1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 155


An aligned rectangle described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedRectangle2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 156


A square in 2D aligned with the axes described by a corner point and adjacent corner.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedSquare1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 150


A square in 2D aligned with the axes described by a corner point and vector to an adjacent corner.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.AlignedSquare2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 151


An arc in 2D described by a line (points) and vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc12D Details
Property Value
TypeID 250


An arc in 3D described by a line (points) and vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc13D Details
Property Value
TypeID 251


An arc in 2D described by a line (vector) and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc22D Details
Property Value
TypeID 252


An arc in 3D described by a line (vector) and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc23D Details
Property Value
TypeID 253


An arc in 2D described by three points; vector inferred from third point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc32D Details
Property Value
TypeID 254


An arc in 3D described by three points; vector inferred from third point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Arc33D Details
Property Value
TypeID 255


Fixed length ordered array.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Array Details
Property Value
TypeID 51



Enumeration values

scijava.roi.types.BLogic Details
Property Value
TypeID 41


A bitmask in 2D described by bounding rectangle, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the bounding rectangle. Dimensions specify the x and y size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.BitMask2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 520


A bitmask in 3D described by bounding cuboid, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the bounding cuboid. Dimensions specify the x, y and z size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.BitMask3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 521


Binary bitwise operation.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Bitwise1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 94


Binary bitwise operation.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Bitwise2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 95


Binary bitwise operation.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Bitwise3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 96


A circle in 2D described by a centre point and circumference point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle0 Details
Property Value
TypeID 200


A circle in 2D described by a centre point and 1D radius.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 201


A circle in 2D described by a centre point and 2D radius.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 202


A circle in 2D described by a circumference point and vector to the centre point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle3 Details
Property Value
TypeID 203


A circle in 2D described by two circumference points [diameter].

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle4 Details
Property Value
TypeID 204


A circle in 2D described by three circumference points.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Circle5 Details
Property Value
TypeID 205


A circular cylinder in 3D described by the centres of both faces and a radius.

A basic circular cylinder with faces at right angles.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 230


A circular cylinder in 3D described by the centre of one face, vector to second face and a radius.

A basic circular cylinder with faces at right angles.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 231


A circular cylinder in 3D with faces at different angles described by the centres of both faces and vectors specifying the radius and angles of the faces.

Face angles other than right-angles let chains of cylinders be used for tubular structures without gaps at the joins.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder3 Details
Property Value
TypeID 232


A circular cylinder in 3D with faces at different angles described by the centre of one face, vector to second face and vectors specifying the radius and angles of the faces.

Face angles other than right-angles let chains of cylinders be used for tubular structures without gaps at the joins.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.CircularCylinder4 Details
Property Value
TypeID 233


Color in RGBA (0,1) range.

double[4] = 32 bytes; a more compact representation could be used

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Color Details
Property Value
TypeID 31


Number of objects.

scijava.roi.types.Count Details
Property Value
TypeID None


An aligned cuboid described by two points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Cube1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 180


An aligned cuboid described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Cube2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 181


A cuboid in 3D described by two adjacent corners and two vectors.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Cuboid1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 185


A cuboid in 3D described by a corner and three vectors.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Cuboid2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 186


Custom (user-definable) representation.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Custom Details
Property Value
TypeID None


Abstract dimensional constraints.

Interface details

scijava.roi.types.DimConstraint Details
Property Value
TypeID N/A
Inherits Serialisable


A set of dimensional constraints.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.DimConstraintSet Details
Property Value
TypeID 3021


Fixed length directed graph.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.DirectedGraph Details
Property Value
TypeID 54


An elliptic cylinder in 3D described by the centres both faces and half axes.

A basic elliptic cylinder with faces at right angles.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 240


An elliptic cylinder in 3D described by the centre of one face, vector to second face and half axes.

A basic elliptic cylinder with faces at right angles.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 241


An elliptic cylinder in 3D with faces at different angles described by the centres both faces and half axes and angles.

Face angles other than right-angles let chains of cylinders be used for tubular structures without gaps at the joins.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder3 Details
Property Value
TypeID 242


An elliptic cylinder in 3D with faces at different angles described by the centre of one face, vector to second face and half axes and angles.

Face angles other than right-angles let chains of cylinders be used for tubular structures without gaps at the joins.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.EllipticCylinder4 Details
Property Value
TypeID 243


A shape extruded in an additional dimension.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Extrude Details
Property Value
TypeID 91


Single precision floating point number.

scijava.roi.types.Float32 Details
Property Value
TypeID 20


Double precision floating point number.

scijava.roi.types.Float64 Details
Property Value
TypeID 21


A greymask in 2D described by bounding rectangle, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the bounding rectangle. Dimensions specify the x and y size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.GreyMask2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 530


A greymask in 3D described by bounding cuboid, dimensions and mask data.

The mask is applied to the bounding cuboid. Dimensions specify the x, y and z size of the mask. DATA is the mask pixel data.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.GreyMask3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 531


An ellipse in 2D described by two half axes.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.HalfAxes2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 225


An ellipsoid in 3D described by three half axes.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.HalfAxes3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 226


Index into an array.

scijava.roi.types.Index Details
Property Value
TypeID None


Signed 16-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.Int16 Details
Property Value
TypeID 16


Signed 32-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.Int32 Details
Property Value
TypeID 17


Signed 64-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.Int64 Details
Property Value
TypeID 18


Signed 8-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.Int8 Details
Property Value
TypeID 15


A labelling (collection of bitmasks).

scijava.roi.types.Labelling Details
Property Value
TypeID None
Inherits RegionOfInterestSet


A line described by two points in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinePoints1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 120


A line described by two points in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinePoints2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 121


A line described by two points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinePoints3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 122


A line described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LineVector1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 125


A line described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LineVector2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 126


A line described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LineVector3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 127


A list of lines described by two points in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 130


A list of lines described by two points in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 131


A list of lines described by two points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesPoints3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 132


A list of lines described by a point and a vector in 1D; can be used to represent a vector field.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 135


A list of lines described by a point and a vector in 2D; can be used to represent a vector field.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 136


A list of lines described by a point and a vector in 3D; can be used to represent a vector field.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.LinesVectors3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 137


Fixed length unordered map.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Map Details
Property Value
TypeID 53


A face-vertex mesh in 2D described by face and vertex lists.

Vertex references are indexes into the VERTS array. Vertex-face mapping is implied, and will require the implementor to construct the mapping.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Mesh2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 600


A face-vertex mesh in 3D described by face and vertex lists.

Vertex references are indexes into the VERTS array. Vertex-face mapping is implied, and will require the implementor to construct the mapping.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Mesh3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 601


Null type (used to indicate the absence of optional type).

scijava.roi.types.Null Details
Property Value
TypeID 0



Enumeration values

scijava.roi.types.Operator Details
Property Value
TypeID 40


Pair of values (for map and graph containers).

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Pair Details
Property Value
TypeID 50


A list of points in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Points1D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of points in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Points2D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Points3D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of points in nD.

scijava.roi.types.PointsnD Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of points in a polyline in 1D [could use RPoints1D directly].

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 140


A list of points in a polyline in 2D [could use RPoints2D directly].

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 141


A list of points in a polyline in 3D [could use RPoints3D directly].

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylinePoints3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 142


A list of points in a polyline represented by a starting point and list of vectors in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 145


A list of points in a polyline represented by a starting point and list of vectors in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 146


A list of points in a polyline represented by a starting point and list of vectors in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.PolylineVector3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 147


Property list.

We could use an RShape representation here so that we could set a shape as a property.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Properties Details
Property Value
TypeID 4000


A custom (user-definable) object property.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Property Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A region of interest (top-level container of physical shape and nD constraints).

scijava.roi.types.ROI Details
Property Value
TypeID None
Inherits RegionOfInterest


A set of ROIs.

scijava.roi.types.ROISet Details
Property Value
TypeID None
Inherits RegionOfInterestSet


A range of values specified as the half-open range [V1, V2).

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Range1nD Details
Property Value
TypeID 89


A range of values specified as an inequality (or equality).

Specified as all values for which the formula “n O1 V1” is true, e.g. “n ≤ 5”.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Range2nD Details
Property Value
TypeID 90


A rectangle in 2D described by two corner points and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Rectangle1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 175


A rectangle in 2D described by a corner point and two vectors.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Rectangle2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 176


A rotation transformation in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.RotateTransform2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 716


A rotation transformation in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.RotateTransform3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 717


A scaling transformation in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 713


A scaling transformation in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 714


A scaling transformation in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.ScaleTransform3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 715


Fixed length unordered set.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Set Details
Property Value
TypeID 52


A set of shapes.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.ShapeSet Details
Property Value
TypeID 93


A sphere in 3D described by a centre point and surface point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere0 Details
Property Value
TypeID 210


A sphere in 3D described by a centre point and 1D radius.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 211


A sphere in 3D described by a centre point and 2D radius.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 212


A sphere in 3D described by a centre point and 3D radius.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere3 Details
Property Value
TypeID 213


A sphere in 3D described by a surface point and vector to the centre point.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere4 Details
Property Value
TypeID 214


A sphere in 3D described by a two surface points [diameter].

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere5 Details
Property Value
TypeID 215


A sphere in 3D described by a four surface points.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Sphere6 Details
Property Value
TypeID 216


An aligned cuboid described by two points in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Square1 Details
Property Value
TypeID 170


An aligned cuboid described by a point and a vector.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Square2 Details
Property Value
TypeID 171


Text string.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.String Details
Property Value
TypeID 30


Text annotation.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Text Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A translation transformation in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 710


A translation transformation in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 711


A translation transformation in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.TranslateTransform3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 712


Numeric shape identifier.

scijava.roi.types.TypeID Details
Property Value
TypeID 1


Unsigned 16-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.UInt16 Details
Property Value
TypeID 11


Unsigned 32-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.UInt32 Details
Property Value
TypeID 12


Unsigned 64-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.UInt64 Details
Property Value
TypeID 13


Unsigned 8-bit integer.

scijava.roi.types.UInt8 Details
Property Value
TypeID 10


Numerical value.

scijava.roi.types.Value Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A single value.

scijava.roi.types.ValuenD Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A set of values.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.ValuesnD Details
Property Value
TypeID 88


Vector in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vector1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 110


Vector in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vector2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 111


Vector in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vector3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 112


Vector in nD.

scijava.roi.types.VectornD Details
Property Value
TypeID 113


A list of vectors in 1D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vectors1D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vectors in 2D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vectors2D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vectors in 3D.

Serialisation compound structure

scijava.roi.types.Vectors3D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vectors in nD.

scijava.roi.types.VectorsnD Details
Property Value
TypeID None


Vertex in 1D.

scijava.roi.types.Vertex1D Details
Property Value
TypeID 100


Vertex in 2D.

scijava.roi.types.Vertex2D Details
Property Value
TypeID 101


Vertex in 3D.

scijava.roi.types.Vertex3D Details
Property Value
TypeID 102


A list of vertices in 1D.

scijava.roi.types.VertexList1D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vertices in 2D.

scijava.roi.types.VertexList2D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vertices in 3D.

scijava.roi.types.VertexList3D Details
Property Value
TypeID None


A list of vertices in nD.

scijava.roi.types.VertexListnD Details
Property Value
TypeID None


Vertex in nD.

scijava.roi.types.VertexnD Details
Property Value
TypeID 103